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  • Writer's pictureGrey Thomas

Essential Gmail tips & tricks 2020 to master your Email

Commonly holidays mean a vacation from your Gmail inbox. But all the unread emails are not going to answer on their own. In short, you are not able to read all the emails. Fortunately, there are ways to master your inbox before it masters you. In this guide, we will discuss some essential Gmail tips & tricks 2020 to master your Email. Just follow the given tips very carefully to avoid any kind of glitches.

  • Structure your time spent emailing:

You aren’t just reading the email in your inbox. You have got the introductions to send, replies to write and messages to reflect before you click on send. Therefore, instead of bouncing between tasks, sorting, group all of your writing, or reading in the batches. “Most of the people bounce back and forth between these activities; they sort one email for afterward, read one email, back to sorting, and answer one email. ‘Tell yourself- right now I am sorting everything. After that, when you are done, read everything which you need to read.

  • Respond within 24 hrs and if it’s only check-in:

You possibly cannot get to all of the emails within 24 hrs but you can definitely avoid getting another to follow up email from an employee. Giving a status update is an excellent way to set expectations and show them that you are on it.

  • Avoid work email once you need to get work done:

First of all, get some replies out the door and it might be harder if you keep hitting refresh in your inbox. For the solution, ditch the inbox at least unless you are done writing. ‘Most people leave it open all the time and check their email every 30 minutes. Apart from this, you will find yourself by trying to flash over to that tab and then see if anything is there but fortunately, you will drop into a state of flow from where your best work is possible.

  • Schedule an email to send later:

In incriminate of sending rejection emails at 8 pm but have to get home in the watch time The Bachelorette finale? Announcing a major development next week but mobbing on a vacation with no Wi-Fi? The email schedule feature of Gmail allows you to decide when an email gets sent. Just by clicking the little upward arrow next to ‘Send’ and choosing a time and date, you can stay on the top of dealings while still living your life.

  • Close your email more than one times in a day:

Email is essential to get your job done but it is also the vital distraction most of the people leave it and open all day. Then, check it every 30 minutes and try to close your email tab once you have time to do deep work the capability of focusing without distraction on a demanding task.

  • Send Pre-Emptive Replies:

You can save your inbox and some messages by getting in front of your messages before it is too late. “We cannot get to all emails within 24 hours, but we can avoid getting ANOTHER follow up email from that person by providing them a status update.” It means telling someone you will get to their message further in the week is preferred, if only to stop the dreaded ‘Just following up” message interfering with your flow.

  • Do not click on an email more than one time:

If you read an email then mark it as unread and you will have to read it again to remember what to do with it. It is recommended to read it once to scan and tag your future action (for instance, labeling it as “must respond”, or “to do this week”. After that, one more time when you answer it

  • Only look at the emails you need to:

Not every email is of the highest importance. That is what the filters are for. Use them to get insignificant messages out of the way so that you can handle the important business first. “So try to make each email that gets to your inbox something which you need to see.”

By following the given tips, you can easily master your email. If you are facing any issue while doing this or facing any issue then, call on Gmail Support UK for instant support from the technical teams. The teams are available 24x7 to help you.

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